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Our customer care is at your disposal

A team of professionals will collect the your requests and in a very short time will arrange for it “ to answer your questions, providing you, where necessary, with specifications and technical details on the products and/or problems of a commercial nature.
After sales support

After sales support

Company name*
Company contact*
Testo etichetta
Above: compressor label shown as an example
Sopra: immagine di etichetta a titolo esemplificativo

Product number (Please type Serial number in the following field)*
Working hours (please insert total machine hours in the field below)*
Testo etichetta ore
WORKING HOURS are indicated on the compressor display (TOTAL MACHINE HOURS)

Il NUMERO DI ORE LAVORO è indicato sul display del compressore (ORE MACCHINA TOTALI)

I give my consent*