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New headquarters for KTC

A new headquarters for KTC. The establishment has been moved to Creazzo, in the province of Vicenza

A new headquarters for KTC. The establishment has been moved to Creazzo, in the province of Vicenza and is structured over a 4,000 sq. meter hangar, with more than 600 square meters of administrative offices. A real revolution, considering that the previous one was 1,300 square meters.


A crucial decision that underlines the great ambitions of a young company, which since 2011 to this day has already established important international collaborations.


Quality, efficiency, and productivity. These are the keywords on which KTC continues to build its own business, looking at a future where to place itself as a distinctive company in the world of the compressed air market.


All of the spaces have been organized to optimize work and to allow a better efficiency in production, storing and warehouse organization.

Particular care was reserved to the testing area - a silence room where all the most common tests are carried out - as well as the KTC research for more efficient methods in terms of product sensitivity, noisiness, and trustworthiness.


The implementation of a new headquarters couldn’t overlook the creation of a place that guarantees, as well as industry standards, maximum comfort for its employees in the accomplishment of their activities. Care and attention towards its collaborators' welfare have always been an integral and fundamental aspect at the basis of the KTC company philosophy.

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