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Autopromotec, in Bologna from 24 to 28 May 2017

KTC brings 100% Made-in-Italy innovation to Autopromotec

KTC brings the 100% Made in Italy innovation to Autopromotec, the international fair specialized in cutting-edge automotive equipment and aftermarket, which will take place at Bolognafiere from 24 to 28 May 2017.

A unique chance to show to the over 100,000 forecast visitors the latest news among which the COMPACK series stands out: an extremely well-performing integrated compact system that allows continuous use without interruptions compared to any piston compressor.

Moreover - yielded air being equal - KTC guarantees substantial energy saving with low noise levels starting from 65 dB (A) against the 90 dB (A) of a piston compressor.

KTC will also present the “4.0 ready technology”,  the engineering process employed to offer increasingly connected, integrated and “intelligent” equipment, that can provide up to 250 % tax breaks!!


KTC and VOLO ITALIA look forward to seeing you in Bologna for Autopromotec. Come to the PAVILION 29 BOOTH D 32 and make your first steps towards the future of the automotive world.